Wednesday, December 24, 2014

So, Rebecca kind of found out about this blog, and now she wants a turn. So anyways, tomorrow is Christmas day, and let me just say that I AM SO EXCITED!!!! So Rebecca is literately breathing over my shoulder when I type this, and she wants a turn.

Hey, guys! It's Rebecca! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT TOMORROW!!! 'CAUSE IT'S CHRISTMAS DAY!!! AND I CAN'T WAIT!! I mean, what could be better than waking up to lots of presents under a tree?! Oh that's easy 1000 cute puppies licking you in the face and their licks turning into money or taco rain or becoming a billionaire and Um, I think they get the idea, Ginger.  So anyway, I'm excited, but I'm also confused. This is both of ours first Christmas, and so basically, a man wearing a red suit named Santa Claus comes down your chimney and gives good kids presents and the bad kids coal. He watches you all year to see if you were good or bad. Seriously, that actually sounds like a stalker to me. Okay, a stalker who gives people presents. 

                                                                                                        Stay awesome,
                                                                                                           Happy Holidays,
                                                                                             Don't do drugs,
                                                                                            -Ginger and Rebecca

Sunday, December 21, 2014

So, recently, I have been spying on Sam. I went into her computer, and found a document entitled "Christmas Wishlist". I saw a few large items, but I also found a doll.
That doesn't surprise me, because the other night, I found a list of names for the doll. She has decided on a name, C****e. The name has been blocked for my personal safety. As soon as she got to the name options, I knew there was no turning back. 
Sam is going to buy this doll. Anyway, here is a photo. 

She is a My American Girl, with wavy blond hair, brown eyes, light skin, and freckles. She would come with pierced ears.
More info later!
                                                                                                                     Stay awesome!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I have some information of the American Girl 2015 Girl Of the Year!!
Her name is Grace Thomas, and she is going to have her own movie, as well.
Here are some photos, thanks to the YouTube channel, DeenaandBeena!
 Here is a photo of the mini doll!
*Special thanks to the YouTube channel, DeenaandBeena, for the photos!!!*

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Hey guys, Ginger here to report some updates. First of all, I got accepted for a secret agent job. It's actually not that hard to get into. So anyway, Sam got a new american girl doll, which is just so sudden. She was talking about how much she wanted a new doll, and, BAM! She just bought one! She found a Rebecca Rubin doll online for $65, and she bought it! With her own money! Check out the video on YouTube.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rachael's Clown Story!!!

Hey, guys, it's Ginger.                                                                                   So, anyway, I watched this video. Please share this video to spread awarness about Clownites, and like it too. Please watch this video, we need enough views to earn enough money to cure her!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hello peoples!

I have just uploaded a video about some shoutouts for special people!
If you want a shoutout, subscribe to my channel!

Anyway, congradulations to Agcolorfuldaisy!!! (That was a link to her channel) :)

I don't think any one reads this. Cool, I can say what I want!

Platypus. Platypus. Platypus. PLATYPUS! PLATYPUS!!!!!!

Yeah, this is getting out of hand.

                                                 Stay awesome!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Rainy Day? That's Ok!

So it's raining outside. I totally wasn't expecting this, because I was going to ride my bike. When I stepped outside, I ran screaming inside. So today I'm gonna show you Top 10 things I do on a rainy day.

10. Update my blog.
9. Blow up a soda bottle.
8. Get yelled at for staining the carpet with soda.
7. Go to my room.
6. Make a video.
5. Scream in frustration that the video won't turn out right.
4.Throw things around.
3. Watch videos wrapped in blankets.
2. Scream some more.
1. Give up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hey, guys! Ginger here! I guess nobody reads this, but this is fun to do anyway.
So anyway, if you haven't yet, check out my latest tutorial video on how to do a fast and easy cute hairstyle on your AG doll. It's right here!

                Stay awesome!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Hi, my name is Ginger, and this is my new blog. I talk about my videos, and I show you behind the scenes of my videos. I show you updates and I will have this blog even when Sam comes back to Youtube. (Just don't tell her though.) I will blog a lot. If you want to see my Youtube,
click the word click.

Stay awesome!